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Release year 2020 /
director Joseph Kosinski /
genre Drama
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Smt he stated he will never act as bond ever again.
Maverick his the man every man want to be and every woman want So after we agree on that let talk about dog fight and f 14( most beautiful machine ever done! sO ENJOY THE g. Good start for taking the franchise in a new direction. It is about time that WE, The Humans, got something to combat the Predators who have been hunting and Slaughtering us for eons! This time, WE have an advantage. After 34 years from TopGun 1 Tom Cruise looks the same. Asas mavericks 10. As a aviation enthusiast this is a must watch movie for me!🤩. Asas mavericks video. Damn tom cruise. I'm so cool cause of u now... Asas mavericks 12.
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Jerry bruckheimer looks more like michael jackson these days.
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Why did laugh when the last clip came in. the old barrel shot. Classic.
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0:11 MY GOD. how sexy was Tom Cruise there? perfection.
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This truly is a once and a lifetime movie as who will push to make a movie about fighter jets in the future and push to film it all practical like Cruise.
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Indeed mister Bond history is not kind to man who play god.
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How does Tom keep up his good looks. Scientology may be.
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